Friday 13 January 2012

It's that time again...

Blessing #5 Health

Okay, so this is the classic January post, but here it goes. I am going to try and lose weight :) I have been blessed with good health, don't really have any ailments or anything horrid I have to deal with daily. My husband is also relatively healthy, other then having mild epilepsy :) I want to keep this happening, and know that I won't be young forever and need to get in good habits now, while I have a decent metabolism! I have done Weight Watchers before and lost 50 pounds, I since have put 10-15 pounds back on...*sigh* but I know it works, so back I go!

Basically, the purpose of this post is ACCOUNTABILITY!!! I figure if everyone who reads my blog knows that I am exercising and eating well then I have more face to save if I fail! :)

Thankfully my husband is stinking awesome and is going to exercise and do Weight Watchers with me. Although it will be a little harder for him since he works shift work. It is hard to come home and workout after a 12 hour day with a 1 hour commute each way, so he will most likely workout when he is on nights...although I'm not too hopeful; but at least we can workout when he is off!

Anyways, enough of my rambling!! Off I go, the hubby is home from work! YIPPEE!! And off for 4 days, another YIPPEE!!

Chat soon!

Love you all,


  1. That's a point system right? I've considered doing that before but didn't want to pay money haha.

    1. It is a point system Carolyn. It is super easy because there are tons of resources out there to help you, and you can still have treats, just proportioned treats! :) I didn't want to pay either, I joined when I was poor. But I did it online and only had to pay $22, so I think its worth it! You can always cancel too!
