Monday 18 March 2013

Our Peach

So I think its fairly safe to say that most of you by now know that I am pregnant! I am 13 weeks tomorrow so that makes our baby about the size of a peach! The whole concept of pregnancy is so intricate and amazing I am just blown away every time I get my weekly update on what's new with my baby. Already our baby has fingerprints, reflexes and its vital organs have formed which is crazy for something that is only 3 inches long!

I am still feeling great which I am really happy about and my belly definitely popped while on the cruise. Justin says he hates the term "popped" because it sounds like something exploded in my belly! Haha! So I try to use a different term around him :) 

I have been keeping a belly book for info for me and I also am making a book for baby. I update baby on stuff every week, like what I have been up to, what I have been eating, or if we saw the baby that week. Just little things that I might forget when the day comes and baby is finally here! I feel like I need a nickname or something for our baby, I feel silly just calling it baby all the time. I suppose thats what it is, but I might have to start trying new names for him/her! 

This past week I had my 12 week check up at my OB, which was good, and definitely informational. We got a huge book with tons of info on pregnancy and all the resources in our town for it! I had my physical...oh joy. And then we went to listen for baby's heartbeat. The doctor warned us that at 12 weeks there is only like a 30% chance of hearing the baby's heartbeat so not to be too concerned if we can't find it! So I was all ready to not hear the heartbeat...because 30% isn't that big a percentage, and he put the cold jelly on the doppler and stuck it down in the middle of my belly and BOOM! There was baby's heartbeat, he said "Wow...that was easy". There are no words to describe what it is like to hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time, or probably even the second time! He let us hear baby's heartbeat and then he moved it so we could hear mine and hear the difference! 

I have noticed that anytime I sneeze my stomach feels tense for like 15 seconds after the sneeze, its like baby is saying "Holy crap, what was that!?!" Its so funny! I can hardly wait until I can feel it move around and kick in there. I'm sure once it starts kicking me in my ribs I will take back that desire, but for now I'm pretty stoked! 

I have felt pretty good my first trimester so I am looking forward to feeling amazing during my second. And possibly even doing my prenatal workout video more than 2 times :) hehe! Here is hoping!! But only after I enjoy my DQ tonight. Yum Yum Yum!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Need pictures of your belly as the weeks go by...I have one from 12 weeks but now I need 13 then 14 then well you get the picture...lolol I have a folder as well...:) Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!!!
