Wednesday 8 February 2012

My favorite blessings of all...

Blessing #9 - Friends and Family

I don't even think I can properly put into words how much God has blessed me with awesome friends and family. I think I realized now, more than ever who my real friends are and how addicted I am to my family. I honestly talk to my Momma at least 2 times a day, often more and usually email her or text her throughout the day. Good ole Betty! I chat with my Dad and brother usually once a week, not nearly enough.

My husband, is insanely awesome. I think, as much as I loathe shift work, that it makes me appreciate my time with him so much more. I also really appreciate that he is willing to do my workout with me, I'm sure many husbands would not endure the 30 Day Shred with their wives, but mine is stinking great.

My friends, I wish I talked to a lot more people from Surrey a lot more often, but I think the "out of sight, out of mind" quote might apply to this situation. I am so thankful for the ones that I do keep in contact with, and love them tons!

Blessing #10 - My Dog

I know this might seem like a silly thing to write about, but she is my constant companion. With Justin working shift work I am quite often home alone, and I think I would lose my mind without my Lexy. I have only been up here for 6 months (hard to believe its been that long already) and therefore, do not have many friends to call for movie nights. So I hang out with my pup and talk to Surrey folk. Don't get me wrong, I love my life up here, for the most part, I am just thankful to have some form of company.

Blessing #11 - Walmart

I know, I know. I'm lame. But when you live in Williams Lake, it is like the best thing that ever happened to this town. I go there almost everyday, sometimes Justin and I go, just to wander and pass time. Especially since all the other stores operate on "small town hours" meaning that everything is closed by 6 on weekdays, except my beloved Walmart. Generally if Walmart doesn't have it in this town you are hooped, which was a massive shock to me coming from Surrey, where something is open almost all the time.

On a happy note...2 MORE SLEEPS until I am back in Surrey!! YAAAAAAAY! I get to see some friends and family, and go to church on Sunday...which is really exciting!

Update you soon on my adventures!

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