God has really been laying this lesson on my heart lately! A lot of times I think we go through life treating our spouse more like a roommate, than a lover and your best friend! My husband is a gift from God and I desire to treat him like one all the time!
I have been challenged to lay down my pride and to fully respect my husband. I mean, I've always respected him, but to respect his position as the head of our house and to support his decisions is something I struggle with from time to time. I am a pretty stubborn, outspoken woman, so when I don't agree with something or have my reasons for wanting something I let him know..tirelessly! God bless him for putting up with me!
Ephesians 5 says to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. We wives should submit to our husbands as to the Lord, it says "As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything". Holy crap, EVERYTHING?! For real God, can't I just submit to him in the things that I agree with? Or decisions he makes because I want him to? That is a pretty hard thing to do! I don't believe it means that we should be doormats for them, but ultimately that the final decision is theirs. And if the decision turns out to be a bad one not to rub his face in it!
On the other side Ephesians 5 also says that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church. It says "husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself". The bible clearly states that this isn't a dictatorship, a husband is supposed to treat his wife as he would himself! Which, lets be honest, is a crazy hard thing to do for anyone! Its even harder when you live with the person. And maybe even more so if she doesn't respect your job, your hobbies and nags you about taking out the garbage(or whatever it may be!)
When is it in our marriages that we stop trying to date & woo our spouses? After a year? After kids? Why is it that we try so hard when we are dating or engaged, but then once we are married feel no need. When I was dating Justin I pretended I liked being tickled, watched shows he liked without complaining, put extra time into getting ready to see him & spent hours just talking to him. Now that we are married those things have changed some! I can't remember the last time we sat together, without anything else and just talked for a long period of time. Life gets busy, and we spend time doing other things! I still try to make a point of doing my hair and makeup everyday, and putting on real clothes, because I want to let him know that I still care, and he is worth my time in getting ready. A lot of women spend time getting ready to go out for girls night, but barely put in any time to getting ready for a day with their husband!
Don't get me wrong, I know I don't need hair & makeup for Justin to find me attractive. If you have ever seen me sleep(trust me it is NOT attractive) and know that he still wants to kiss me in the morning, you can certainly understand that caking myself up isn't necessary. I also find I feel better about myself, when I have taken time to get ready in the morning!
I want to encourage you to spend time dating your spouse. I challenge you to tell them a reason why you respect or love them. Put your phone away and cuddle them while watching TV. I fully intend on dating Justin, flirting with him & spending time just enjoying the man God has gifted to me as a husband!
Show the world God's love story by creating a beautiful one with your spouse. We have a great opportunity in marriage!
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