Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Introducing Food

Before I start, I know this is a controversial topic and people get heated about their opinions, but I don't want to hear it! Hehe! Just a simple answer to my question without judgement would be fabulous. 

Now that Declan is 4 months we reach the subject of when to introduce food, like other than breast milk food! And on top of deciding when we also have to decide how

Half of the research out there says that you should start at 4 months (or when the baby shows signs of being ready) with rice cereal and pureed foods

The other half thinks that you should wait until 6 months and do baby lead weaning, or basically start with small pieces of food and kind of let baby eat off your plate. 

Now I don't think Declan is ready to start eating big kid food anyways. I've let him taste a banana and apple so far, but he doesn't really seem interested! Which is fine…breastfeeding is cheap! hehe! 

My question for you Momma's out there is what did you do with your babies?! And why did you do it?! I know new guidelines for EVERYTHING baby related come out every 2 years it seems, so the rules and ideas are always changing…but I am still curious! I don't really feel strong convictions either way about what to do with the little guy so am just trying to get ideas!! 

Which one….

which one...


  1. Rice is nice. My babies love it.

  2. I agree with Vorivolo Rice is nice as it helps to fill their little tummy and then they are less fussy..:) Worked for when my kids were babies.

  3. With Alyson, I tried her on rice cereal at 4 months. She screamed every single day I tried to feed her. She had no interest and was clearly unhappy with me, so I stopped. (She still hates rice cereal actually) I then waited for her signs. It was about 5.5 months when she was ready for solids. She was sitting up on her, stared us down when we had food, was making chewing motions.
    I started her off with purees. Avacado, banana, sweet potatoe, squash were the main ones. After about a month and doing research on BLW, I decided to give that a go. She did really well with it. At that time she was mainly eating fruits though. Slowly started adding more variety in. She's never really had a huge appetite.
    For Nathan, who will be 4 months on Saturday, I am waiting until he can at least sit unsupported. I don't plan on going with any timeline, just when I feel he is ready.
    And I think I may be starting him on puree first, for at least a month two. Once he is ready for solids, all the fruits will be coming in season again, so it will be perfect timing to start him with chunks of food. =)

  4. I started my children on rice cereal too. It worked great especially my daughter who was 9 lbs 8 oz when she was born and wanted more than momma's milk. I introduced the cereal to her at about 4 months and she loved it. I think she was 4 months....that was a long time ago. ;-)

  5. Both my kids were over 9lbs 10oz when born. I didn't use any specific timeline. Instead waited for the signs. One being that the nursing increased significantly during the day. They seemed like they were 'starving' way to often. They both were able to sit up one their own. They both were really focused on everything we were eating and seemed like they wanted it. I started before 6 months but each kiddo was different. I made all my own baby food, it's SO easy. Then I never had to worry about running out. I started with sweet potatoes with both. I actually made my own 'baby rice cereal' as well (super easy). I felt peace of mind not because I'm a crazy mom but because there was so many articles circulating at the time about rice cereal and I didn't wanna think about it or feel like I needed to read them. I would say just do what feels right for your family. That was your motto. Your the mama and ultimately there are a lot of decisions and 99% don't have a perfect answer. Don't stress and ignore the 'stressful' and 'guilt tripping mommies' hahaha is that sassy of me? Enjoy all the firsts! It's so so so fun!
