Monday 13 May 2013


Praise God for rain! And praise God for my two skylights. I may be alone in this, but I seriously love the rain. One of my most favourite things is to sit in my living room, wrapped up in a blanket and listen to the rain falling on my skylights. I find the rain soothing, like if I listen long enough it will just lull me into a sweet slumber.

Plus, how great is it that we don't have to water our gardens or our lawns because God gives us the rain!

I also find the rain romantic, Justin does not indulge me in my desire. But I LOVE walks in the rain, I just find it incredibly sweet. And honestly, what girl does not dream of having that movie moment making out with her love in the pouring rain?! Okay, maybe that was a TMI, but it is getting late.

Anyways, I just wanted to pep up anyones dreary day with a rant about my love of rain! Woohoo!

Now I will go fall asleep to the glorious sound!

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