Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Life as we know it

I realize it has been a long time since I've updated and I've been meaning to do this post for a while, but just always put it off! Which is funny because it never is as much work to update as I imagine! So much has changed since I last updated! My newborn baby is now 3.5 months old!! I will write a little bit more about him later!

Life has been pretty awesome this last few months! I had a TON of help from my Mom with Declan and Justin has been able to take October-January off so it has been so great having him at home! We have been able to spend lots of time down in Surrey since Justin has been off too wjhich is really nice! Especially when it comes to Christmas shopping since we have so little options up here!

We are spending Christmas this year with my family in Surrey! The past 2 years we have had them come up here for Christmas since Justin and I have had to work, but this year we are freeeeeee! So down we go this Friday! I will really miss having a good dump of snow for Christmas though, it just isn't the same with rain, sunshine or even Surrey snow. But it will be a nice change! It is Declan's first Christmas, and although he is too young to really have any grasp of what is going on, it brings a new dimension of excitement! Let me tell you, was it ever weird to sign some presents "Love Mom & Dad" talk about reality check!

We have been using cloth diapers exclusively for about 1.5 months already and I LOVE it! Cloth diapering is not as much work as everyone thinks it is! Plus it is really nice to know that I won't run out of diapers in the middle of the night or something horrendous like that! As long as I do my laundry every 2nd or 3rd day I have plenty of diapers to last me! I am loving the night time diapers I got too, I can comfortably leave him in them overnight and don't have any leaks! Woohoo!! No leaking after his weekly or bi-weekly poop either! Plus he looks SO cute in them, come Summer he will be a pant less baby I think!

A little about Declan

-he recently discovered his hands and mouth and is always putting his hands in his mouth, or his Sophie the giraffe in his mouth!
-the downside of discovering his hands is that he has mastered a mean pinch and can effectively grab my hair now
-he is a really alert baby & keeps his focus on something for quite some time
-he is loud, he loves to squeal and talk to us and is increasing in volume and pitch!!
-he goes to sleep on my shoulder best with a blanket draped over his head
-he is a PUKER! I laughed at how many receiving blankets we had before he was born thinking I would never need that many….I am currently waiting for the dryer to finish so I can have clean ones…
-he has just become bashful, like in the past day or 2. He will smile at Justin, or a stranger and then throw his head into my shoulder like he is embarrassed. It is adorable!
-he sleeps in his crib at night, and usually sleeps from 9 pm - 5 or 6 am which is fantastic!
-he is a tummy sleeper, and although it is "forbidden" he sleeps WAY better and longer on his tummy :)
-he is over 13 lbs already, which is crazy!
-his eyes I think are gonna be brown. They still look blue, but when I see them in the light they have a brown tinge, so we will see!
-he changes his emotions SO quickly! One minute he is cooing and giggling and the next he is crying, its a little ridiculous!

I obviously could go on forever bragging and ranting about my child, but I shall stop myself there!

Speaking of which…the coos have turned to cries so I should go!

I know I say this every time but I will really try and blog more! That way it wouldn't have to be such a crazy long post every time!!

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