Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Reno Photos

As per Vanessa's request I decided I should post some photos!!

Here are the BEFORE photos:
The Spare Bedroom

The Master Bedroom

The Office/Nursery

And here are the AFTER photos:

The Hallway

The Spare Bedroom

The Nursery (so far)

The Master Bedroom

It's crazy when I look through them like this to see the differences in before and after!! I am excited for our main bathroom reno sometime after baby is born, and then our whole upper floor will be updated! Woohoo!! Not too bad since we have been here less than 2 years so far!

The good, the bad & the ugly

Well, I officially suck at this blogging thing....but I think we all realized that quite a while ago! There are so many times when I think about writing a post but then feel like I have nothing to say. But then I get to posts like today and feel like I have tons to talk about! haha!

We have been keeping pretty busy in the last little bit! We did renos last month, which I don't think I will ever do again while decently pregnant. We repainted our Master bedroom and ripped up all of the carpet in our hallway & 3 bedrooms upstairs. Well mostly I painted, and Justin ripped up the carpet as he won't let me lift anything heavier then Lexy :) I did, however, roll around on his creeper from his shop and pull up staples! hehe! Way better than scooting!! We got carpet installed as well and it is super magically soft and beautiful! I am so happy with it! Plus now our floors don't smell like cat urine! WAHOO!!

My parents came up to visit last weekend, which was fantastic! On Sunday we decided we would take our boat out for a little test run and maybe the boys could wakeboard or go tubing! But once we got out into the middle of the lake something went wrong. Now, I am a mechanics wife...but that doesn't mean I have ANY idea what the info he tells me means. :) So basically something broke through the side of the motor that is supposed to stay inside...bad news! I want to say a piston! Anyways, this basically means our engine is shot. BOO!! So after tinkering for a little bit we putted back to shore and didn't get much of a boat ride. Luckily my husband is a mechanic and found a cheapish boat with a really good engine and we bought it and he is just doing an engine swap and then selling the crappy boat with the trailer and we are ending up with a pretty good deal!! So hopefully we will be able to get out on the water before this baby comes!!

Speaking of this baby, it is crazy how fast time is going now! My first trimester felt like it dragged on forever, but these two are flying by! I'm already at 29 weeks....next week I am 30 weeks! How the heck did that happen!? Baby has become really active in my belly, especially when I am in bed and it likes when I watch TV too...a baby after my own heart :) It has taken to tumbling more so than kicking me lots...which is nice! So I can sit and see my belly roll and move as it flips from side to side! It totally looks like an alien is living in there, it is so cool! I literally can sit and watch my belly for hours when baby is active! Little peanut also has started experiencing hiccups!! Which is neat because it means it is getting ready to breathe when it is born! I'm pretty sure baby is already head down because whenever it has the hiccups I can feel them veeeeery low down! Baby is also shy and once someone else watches my belly it freezes and stops moving, or if I try and videotape it! Sneaky little monkey!

I am really excited because the 20th weekend is a McCracken family get together, I love my family and can't wait to see everyone again!! We also are getting our pack n'play, change table & dresser for baby that weekend! I'm honestly so excited to be able to put together baby's room and organize its clothing that we have!! It will be so cool to be able to open the door to the nursery and have it all good to go!! Next step will be actually putting together our hospital bag, now that I have a decent list of what I want to bring!

On the other hand I am not excited to go to the coast on the 20th because the last time I was down I got cankles every single day! It was HORRIBLE!! I felt so insanely unattractive, and they hurt like no bodies business! Thankfully I haven't had them at all in Williams Lake, so I am wondering if it is the humidity down in Surrey? Since I definitely am just as active up here and have had long days on my feet without any swelling! Here, let me show you how gorgeous they were!

Don't be afraid though, Mommy & baby are in perfect health! So my swelling is not a sign of pre-eclampsia, just good old water retention! 

Anyways, I am cooking dinner while Justin mows our lawn, so I probably should go double check that everything is A-Ok. And then hopefully spend the evening in our room with the AC cranked watching a movie :)