So last time I wrote I mentioned that I was going to start following The Skinny Rules which I had just finished reading. I have successfully finished 4 weeks of the "diet" and plan on continuing until I reach my weight loss goal. It has been a lot of working changing what I'm used to, and how I cook and eat. But the rewards have been lovely, I have lost 15 pounds this month and haven't even worked out! hehe!! So, if any of you are looking to lose weight just by changing what you eat, this is the plan for you! All the food has been stinking delicious, which makes staying on the plan easy. I will not deny cheating....chocolate has a special place in my heart, one that cannot be removed ever.
These are the rules.
1. Drink a large glass of water before every meal - no exceptions
2. Don't drink your calories
3. Eat a protein at every meal - or stay hungry and grouchy
4. Slash your intake of refined flours and grains
5. Eat 30-60 grams of fibre a day
6. Eat apples and berries every day
7. No carbs after lunch
8. Learn to read food labels so you know what you are eating
9. Stop guessing about portion size and get it right
10. No more added sweeteners, including artificial ones
11. Get rid of those white potatoes
12. Make one day a week meatless
13. Get rid of fast foods and fried foods
14. Eat a real breakfast
15. Make your own food and eat at least 10 meals a week at home
16. Banish high salt foods
17. Eat your vegetables - just do it
18. Go to bed hungry
19. Sleep right
20. Plan one splurge meal a week
And so the second month of my Skinny Rules living begins, yummy food, weight loss....perhaps I will actually exercise this month, see where that takes me! Oh, did I mention that Justin, to help motivate me, is paying me $10 per pound I lose! YAAAAY!! So that means I have earned $150 so far!!
This past weekend was Stampede so my family and Vanessa and Joel came up to visit, which was so much fun! I love having people visit up here, I love that people come visit and actually like it, and I like to show them how much I love it up here. As a family we went quading, which was hilariously awesome and they had a blast, so hopefully that means they will visit more :)
Until next time!